The applications of successful EN candidates will automatically go into the national talent pool which is accessible to all employers, not just the employers you had originally ranked. Employers will use this talent pool to decide who to interview and ultimately who to extend offers to.
The talent pool will remain open indefinitely and applicants will remain in the talent pool until they either accept an offer or are exited from the talent pool due to becoming ineligible. You may be contacted by multiple employers during your time in the talent pool including those you have not ranked and it is your decision on whether to accept an offer or to decline it.
Options Outside of ACE
ACE recommends that you also visit the Kiwi Health Jobs website, the careers pages of employers and alternatively job boards such as Seek or TradeMe to research the nursing job market. This can be useful for a number of reasons. You will gain an insight into the culture of the hospitals you are thinking about applying to and usually job or position descriptions will be attached to each job number outlining the requirements, skill and experience required to fulfil an EN role.